Preschool Screening

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Preschool Screening

Crete-Monee Early Learning Center Preschool Online Screening

A Preschool for All screening is available for all children ages 3 to 5 living within the district. The program, provided through a grant from the Illinois State Board of Education, will serve children who demonstrate some potential delays in an area of development and have certain risk factors that may impact academic success.  To participate in a screening please request a screening on our website or contact our office at 708-367-2770 for more information. All students that are interested in our school must register through the district ( and go through the ELC screening ( These are two separate processes.

It is important that all students are screened whether you have concerns or not with your child’s development.  Early identification of potential learning challenges is the goal of the preschool screening program being conducted by ELC.  If potential delays are identified before a child enters school, appropriate steps can be taken to facilitate the child’s educational development.  Various program options are available for students with needs. 

Requirements for screening include:

  • Children must be at least 3 years old to be eligible for school.  We have screening opportunities for birth through three years of age if you have younger children.  
  • Must register on our district website.

Screening process:

ELC uses the online Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) Screening Tool to begin the screening process. There are two online ASQ questionnaires that will be sent to the parents/guardians to complete.  

  • The first questionnaire is the ASQ-3 which is a developmental screening tool that pinpoints developmental progress in children.  It focuses on five areas: motor development, cognitive development, social-emotional development, and language development.
  • The second questionnaire is the ASQ: SE-2, which is a tool for early identification of social-emotional challenges. 

In addition, each parent will complete a parent questionnaire and be interviewed by our ELC social worker to allow for sharing of further information about their child. At the conclusion of this process, a conference is conducted where the results and recommendations are shared with the parent, as well as the possible next steps.  


Possible next steps include:

  • Your child qualified for  Preschool Programming.
  • Your child qualified for Preschool Programming, however needs additional screening information.  You will be invited to participate in an in-person screening.  The DIAL-4 (Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning), screening tool is intended to help early education professionals identify children who are at risk for failing in academic settings.  Your child will be screened by different examiners in each of the performance areas(motor, concepts, and language) which takes place within 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes.  A vision and hearing screening is also conducted.  In addition, each parent will be interviewed to allow for additional sharing of information.  At the conclusion of this screening process, results and recommendations are shared with parents and possible next steps.
  • Further testing in the possible areas of Speech and Language, Cognitive, and Motor Abilities to determine if your child is in need of special education services and programming. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Does my child have to have an IEP to qualify for the Early Learning Center?

No, students do not have to have an IEP to qualify for the ELC. We offer a variety of programming options to meet the needs of students with and without IEPs. 

  • I completed my registration but haven’t heard from the ELC office. What should I do next?
    Reach out to our ELC office staff at 708-367-2770.
  • What are the hours for the ELC?

Staff hours are from 8:00am-3:30pm.
We offer two sessions AM 8:30am-11:00am and PM 12:00pm-2:30pm. 

  • What are the programs offered at ELC?

Preschool Classroom: General Education Classroom up to 20 students.  Morning and afternoon sessions available.

Blended Preschool Classroom: General Education Classroom up to 15 students.  (Five Students with IEPs and 10 General education students).  Morning and afternoon sessions available.
Instructional Early Childhood Classroom: Special Education Classroom setting up to 10 students.  Morning and afternoon sessions available.
EC SMILLE Classroom:  (Sensory Motor Integrated with Language Learning Environment)  Special Education Classroom setting with up to 10 students.  Specialized learning environment with half day and full day options depending on student needs.  

  •  If I registered, is my child automatically placed into a classroom program?

No, you need to go through the screening process and the ELC team determines on a weighted criteria your next steps for classroom programming.